Our Farms
Unrivaled Quality Starts with Unrivaled Commitment.
At Marcho Farms, we believe in doing things the right way. This means constantly learning and engaging in the highest standard of care for the livestock we raise. Our animals are raised humanely on rural family farms in low-stress environments perfectly suited to their comfort and needs.

Our Lambs are Raised on Summer Pastures,
meaning they are able to move around freely, exercise, and interact with one another as they please. Our calves are brought up in clean, spacious communal housing where they can move about comfortably and interact. All farms offer constant care and supervision, specialized feeding programs, and 24/7 veterinary oversight, ensuring superior herd health, happy, healthy animals, and the most delicious meats possible.
American Family Farms
American family farms are the cornerstone of our organization. You simply cannot replicate, imitate, or replace the consistent quality and care that can be achieved by a small group of dedicated family farmers willing to stake their good name on a hard day’s work. We take tremendous pride in being able to share in the great American farming tradition, and in setting the standard for ethical care across the industry.