Our Story

Wayne Marcho Grew Up Helping Every Day
on his parents’ dairy farm in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. His love for dairy animals and working the fields led to him raising his first calves for veal at the age of 20 in 1969. Wayne and his wife Martha “Marty” Derstein started their family home and veal farm in the Pennsylvania Dutch region of Montgomery County. They grew their love for farming and working together into a thriving agricultural family business that partners with over one hundred Amish family farms to supply first-in-class veal products to homes and restaurant plates throughout the United States.
Caring for Our Team Members,
Our Animals, and Our Community
since 1969.
It is our top priority that our animals are humanely cared for, fed a clean, nutritious, healthy diet, and raised in a safe, low-stress environment.
From rural American family farms and ranches that care for the animals to our state-of-the-art processing facility in Pennsylvania, to the careful and timely transport and delivery services, and our utmost commitment to our team members, the Marcho way of doing agricultural business is unlike any other and is a testament to our 50 years of dedication to craft and conscience.
Our Family Business
has Grown
to include the second generation of Marcho family members who carry on the tradition and unwavering commitment to ethical behavior – always do the right thing, our uncompromising pursuit of quality, and our time-tested farm-to-plate process.